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Prior to 1993 Dawson County was providing bus transportation for the elderly and developmentally disabled. This service was operated by the Dawson County Commissioners and the Dawson County Council on Aging. As of July 1, 1993 the Urban Transportation District of Dawson County was established by the voters for operation of the transportation service. At that time the Board of Trustees made the service available to the general public. Dawson County Transit has been providing rides to residents ever since that time with rides numbering just under 16,000 in fiscal year 2013.

Funding Sources:
Urban Transportation District of Dawson County Tax Levy
Montana Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
Bus Fares

Donations and Memorials:
Individuals or companies may make donations or memorials to the Urban Transportation District of Dawson County (Dawson County Transit) for operation expenses and capital outlay acquisitions.

Board Meetings:
The Urban Transportation District of Dawson County is governed by an elected three member Board of Trustees and is considered an independent governmental organization. The Board holds regular monthly meetings and special meetings as needed. The monthly meetings, which are open to the public, are held at the office located at 511 E Slocum in Glendive. Meeting notices are published in the Ranger Review Community Happenings each month or you can contact the administrator at 377-5024 for meeting dates and times. We welcome comments or suggestions on how we can improve our service.

Thank you,

We, the Board of Trustees of the Urban Transportation District of Dawson County, would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the taxpayers within the District for their current and continued support. We volunteer our time to make Dawson County Transit function but without the assistance of Dawson County Council on Aging, the Transportation Advisory Council, R.S.V.P., Dawson County Treasurer, Dawson County Clerk and Recorder, Dawson County Commissioners, Dawson County Attorney, the City of Glendive and the Transit Drivers we would not exist. Because of that spirit of cooperation the Urban Transportation District of Dawson County will be here to serve this community for years to come.

Trustees: James Hageman, Dane Silvernale and Paul Hull

Urban Transportation District of Dawson County, Glendive, Montana
www.DawsonCountyTransit.com     E-mail:   dawsonut@midrivers.com

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Web site created by Marcia Holas